
ID Name Lvl Drop
510 帝国第三军团长 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
511 帝国第四军团长 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
512 帝国校尉 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
513 帝国教官 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
514 帝国骑士团长 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
515 帝国大魔法师 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
516 帝国暗杀团长 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
517 帝国骑兵团长 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
518 帝国刀盾兵 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
519 帝国祭司 1 Short SwordSmall AxeShort BowSmall ShieldPad GlovesOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion