
ID Name Lvl Drop
540 Lugard 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
541 Silver Reward Box 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
542 Golden Reward Box 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
543 Gens Duprian 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
544 Gens Vanert 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
545 Christine 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
546 Raul 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
547 Julia 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
548 Transformed Skeleton 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
549 Bad Forest Orc 114 Sword DancerLilium HelmQueen HelmGreat Dragon PantsAura PantsTitan PantsBrave PantsPhantom PantsDestroy PantsSeraphim PantsFaith PantsRoyal PantsHades PantsQueen PantsDragon Knight Gloves