
ID Name Lvl Drop
51 Great Bahamut 66 Crystal Morning StarBluewing CrossbowBook of LagleElemental ShieldAdamantine MaskAshcrow HelmEclipse HelmIris HelmAncient HelmSacred Fire ArmorAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsAncient BootsOrb of Penetration
52 Silver Valkyrie 68 Crystal Morning StarBluewing CrossbowStaff of ResurrectionElemental ShieldCross ShieldAdamantine MaskAshcrow HelmEclipse HelmIris HelmAncient HelmStorm Jahad HelmSacred Fire ArmorAdamantine PantsAshcrow PantsEclipse PantsIris PantsStorm Crow GlovesGrand Soul GlovesBlack Rose GlovesAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsChain Drive ParchmentDragon Roar Parchment
53 Golden Titan 53 Giant SwordSacred GloveCrescent AxeBattle ScepterGreat ScytheGorgon StaffBook of SamutBronze ShieldGuardian HelmSacred Fire HelmDragon PantsLegendary PantsGuardian PantsRed Wind PantsDragon GlovesDragon BootsGuardian Boots
54 Golden Soldier 46 Legendary SwordDouble BladeLarkan AxeSerpent SpearSerpent CrossbowSerpent ShieldLegendary ShieldPlate HelmLight Plate MaskPlate ArmorSpirit ArmorPlate PantsLegendary GlovesRed Wind GlovesLegendary BootsLight Plate BootsRed Wind BootsOrb of Twisting SlashRing of WindRing of MagicPendant of Water
55 Death King 30 Serpent SwordSword of SalamanderBattle AxeGiant TridentLight CrossbowSerpent StaffMystery StickSpiked ShieldSphinx MaskWind HelmMistery HelmScale ArmorWind ArmorWind PantsMistery PantsSphinx GlovesBrass GlovesSphinx BootsBrass BootsImpRing of FireScroll of Poison
56 Death Bone 24 FalchionElven AxeFlailSpearBattle BowPlate ShieldScale HelmBone ArmorScale PantsScale GlovesWind GlovesMistery GlovesScale BootsMistery BootsGuardian AngelHorn of UniriaScroll of Ice
57 Iron Wheel 80 Sword of DestructionHoly Storm ClawGreat ScepterAncient StickBlack Dragon HelmGrand Soul HelmBlack Rose HelmStorm Crow ArmorAdamantine ArmorStorm Jahad ArmorStorm Jahad PantsBlack Dragon BootsDivine BootsPiercing Groove BootsOrb of Rageful BlowOrb of Ice ArrowScroll of Critical DamageScroll of CometfallDamage Reflection ParchmentDark Side ParchmentIgnore Defense Parchment
58 Tantallos 83 Sword of DestructionHoly Storm ClawGreat ScepterSaint CrossbowBlack Dragon HelmGrand Soul HelmDivine HelmBlack Rose HelmStorm Jahad ArmorBlack Dragon PantsRed Spirit GlovesDivine BootsDark Steel BootsPiercing Groove BootsOrb of Ice ArrowScroll of Critical DamageScroll of Teleport AllyBerserker Parchment
59 Zaikan 90 Elemental MaceDragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmPiercing Groove HelmBlack Dragon ArmorGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDivine PantsDark Steel PantsThunder Hawk GlovesDark Master GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesThunder Hawk BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of InfernoDragon Slasher Parchment
60 Bloody Wolf 76 Ancient StickGrand Soul ShieldAdamantine ArmorAshcrow ArmorEclipse ArmorIris ArmorAncient ArmorStorm Crow PantsStorm Jahad PantsBlack Dragon GlovesDark Steel GlovesBlack Dragon BootsGrand Soul BootsBlack Rose BootsOrb of Rageful BlowScroll of Fire BurstScroll of Aqua BeamScroll of Soul BarrierChain Lightning Parchment