
ID Name Lvl Drop
82 Golden Tantallos 90 Elemental MaceDragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmPiercing Groove HelmBlack Dragon ArmorGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDivine PantsDark Steel PantsThunder Hawk GlovesDark Master GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesThunder Hawk BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of InfernoDragon Slasher Parchment
83 Golden Wheel 77 Ancient StickAdamantine ArmorAshcrow ArmorEclipse ArmorIris ArmorAncient ArmorStorm Jahad PantsBlack Dragon GlovesDark Steel GlovesBlack Dragon BootsGrand Soul BootsBlack Rose BootsOrb of Rageful BlowScroll of Soul BarrierChain Lightning Parchment
84 King Orc 33 Sword of SalamanderNikea AxeLight CrossbowDragon Slayer ShieldSphinx MaskWind ArmorMistery ArmorSphinx PantsBrass PantsBrass GlovesBrass BootsPendant of IceScroll of FlameDrain Life Parchment
85 Orc Archer 37 BladeGreat HammerBerdyshDragon Slayer ShieldBrass HelmSphinx ArmorBrass ArmorBrass PantsSpirit GlovesRing of EarthScroll of FlameDrain Life Parchment
86 Spirit Soldier 41 Light SaberLight SpearTiger BowThunder StaffViolent StickTower ShieldSpirit HelmSpirit PantsPlate GlovesLight Plate GlovesPlate BootsSpirit BootsPendant of WindScroll of TwisterSleep ParchmentIncrease Block Parchment
87 Spirit Beast 44 Legendary SwordLarkan AxeLight SpearSerpent SpearThunder StaffViolent StickSerpent ShieldPlate HelmLight Plate MaskSpirit ArmorPlate PantsSpirit PantsLegendary GlovesPlate GlovesLight Plate GlovesRed Wind GlovesLegendary BootsPlate BootsLight Plate BootsRed Wind BootsRing of WindPendant of WindPendant of Water
88 Spirit Knight 47 Double BladeLarkan AxeSerpent SpearSerpent CrossbowSerpent ShieldLegendary ShieldPlate HelmLight Plate MaskPlate ArmorPlate PantsLegendary BootsLight Plate BootsRed Wind BootsOrb of Twisting SlashRing of MagicPendant of Water
89 Spirit Sorcerer 51 Giant SwordSacred GloveGorgon StaffBook of SamutLegendary HelmGuardian HelmRed Wind HelmLegendary PantsLight Plate PantsRed Wind PantsDragon GlovesGuardian GlovesGuardian BootsSacred Fire BootsPendant of AbilityScroll of Evil SpiritIncrease Health Parchment
90 King Orc 49 Double BladeSerpent CrossbowLegendary ShieldLegendary HelmRed Wind HelmPlate ArmorLight Plate PantsGuardian GlovesSacred Fire BootsOrb of Twisting SlashRing of MagicPendant of AbilityScroll of Evil SpiritIncrease Health Parchment
91 Orc Archer 53 Giant SwordSacred GloveCrescent AxeBattle ScepterGreat ScytheGorgon StaffBook of SamutBronze ShieldGuardian HelmSacred Fire HelmDragon PantsLegendary PantsGuardian PantsRed Wind PantsDragon GlovesDragon BootsGuardian Boots