Công dụng : Dùng để nâng cấp opt mới cho wings.
Công thức xoay viên Jewel of Exalted. Xoay tại máy chaos. Tỷ lệ thành công : 85%. Xịt mất hết.
- 1 wings 2.5 (+0 -> +15 , omo hay có opt đều được)
- 1 chaos
- 10 life
- 3 Ngọc Tẩy
- 3m zen
Công thức nâng cấp opt mới cho wings. Nâng cấp tại máy chaos. Tỷ lệ thành công 70%. Khi xịt có 90% wings rớt về +0 hoặc 10% mất luôn wings.
- 1 wings cần nâng cấp ( >= 2.5)
- 1 viên Jewel of Exalted
- 1 chaos
- 1 Jewel of Transmutation
- 1 Jewel of Alteration
- 1 Jewel of Augmentation
- 1 Jewel of Divine
- 2m zen
---ENGLISH Usage: Used to upgrade new options for wings.
Formula for spinning Jewel of Exalted. Spin at the chaos machine. Success rate: 85%. Failure results in losing all materials.
- 1 Wings 2.5 (+0 -> +15, with or without options)
- 1 chaos
- 10 life
- 3 Jewel of Harmony
- 3 million zen
Formula for upgrading new options for wings. Upgrade at the chaos machine. Success rate: 70%. When failing, there's a 90% chance the wings will drop back to +0, or a 10% chance they will be lost entirely.
- 1 Wings for upgrade (>= 2.5)
- 1 Jewel of Exalted
- 1 chaos
- 1 Jewel of Transmutation
- 1 Jewel of Alteration
- 1 Jewel of Augmentation
- 1 Jewel of Divine
- 2 million zen
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