
ID Name Lvl Drop
136 Ogre Warrior of Doom 70 Crystal SwordMaster ScepterBluewing CrossbowAquagold CrossbowStaff of ResurrectionCross ShieldAncient HelmStorm Jahad HelmAdamantine PantsAshcrow PantsEclipse PantsIris PantsAncient PantsStorm Crow GlovesGrand Soul GlovesDivine GlovesBlack Rose GlovesStorm Crow BootsAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsOrb of Death StabChain Drive ParchmentDragon Roar Parchment
137 Ogre Archer of Doom 74 Crystal SwordMaster ScepterAquagold CrossbowGrand Soul ShieldAshcrow ArmorEclipse ArmorIris ArmorAncient ArmorStorm Crow PantsAncient PantsBlack Dragon GlovesDivine GlovesDark Steel GlovesStorm Crow BootsGrand Soul BootsBlack Rose BootsOrb of Death StabScroll of Fire BurstScroll of Aqua BeamChain Lightning Parchment
138 King Orc 85 Divine Sword of ArchangelSaint CrossbowDivine HelmDark Steel MaskBlack Dragon PantsGrand Soul PantsBlack Rose PantsDark Phoenix GlovesDark Soul GlovesRed Spirit GlovesAura GlovesRed Spirit BootsDark Steel BootsScroll of Teleport AllyBerserker Parchment
139 Orc Archer 87 Divine Sword of ArchangelDivine HelmDark Steel MaskGrand Soul PantsDivine PantsBlack Rose PantsDark Phoenix GlovesThunder Hawk GlovesDark Soul GlovesDark Master GlovesAura GlovesRed Spirit BootsScroll of Inferno
140 Spirit Soldier 90 Elemental MaceDragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmPiercing Groove HelmBlack Dragon ArmorGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDivine PantsDark Steel PantsThunder Hawk GlovesDark Master GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesThunder Hawk BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of InfernoDragon Slasher Parchment
141 Spirit Beast 93 Dragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmRed Spirit HelmGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDark Steel PantsPiercing Groove PantsGreat Dragon GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesFaith GlovesDark Phoenix BootsThunder Hawk BootsDark Soul BootsDark Master BootsAura BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of Ice StormLightning Shock ParchmentWeakness Parchment
142 Spirit Knight 98 Rune BladeLord ScepterDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffBlack Rose StickFrost BarrierGlorious MaskDark Phoenix ArmorDark Steel ArmorDark Phoenix PantsThunder Hawk PantsRed Spirit PantsTitan GlovesBrave GlovesDestroy GlovesSeraphim GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesGreat Dragon BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsLilium BootsTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of SummonCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of DecayScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
143 Spirit Sorcerer 102 Dark BreakerRune BladeDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffDivine Staff of ArchangelBlack Rose StickDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGreat Dragon HelmFaith HelmDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesTitan GlovesPhantom GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of Fire ScreamCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
144 Death Angel 24 FalchionElven AxeFlailSpearBattle BowPlate ShieldScale HelmBone ArmorScale PantsScale GlovesWind GlovesMistery GlovesScale BootsMistery BootsGuardian AngelHorn of UniriaScroll of Ice
145 Death Centurion 33 Sword of SalamanderNikea AxeLight CrossbowDragon Slayer ShieldSphinx MaskWind ArmorMistery ArmorSphinx PantsBrass PantsBrass GlovesBrass BootsPendant of IceScroll of FlameDrain Life Parchment