
ID Name Lvl Drop
167 Chaos Castle 3 60 Lighting SwordLegendary StaffRed Wind StickBook of NeilDragon ShieldDragon ArmorLight Plate ArmorSacred Fire PantsAshcrow GlovesEclipse GlovesIris GlovesAncient GlovesAdamantine BootsStorm Jahad BootsOrb of Greater FortitudeOrb of Fire SlashScroll of Hellfire
168 Chaos Castle 4 65 Crystal Morning StarBill of BalrogBook of LagleElemental ShieldAdamantine MaskAshcrow HelmEclipse HelmIris HelmSacred Fire ArmorAncient BootsOrb of Penetration
169 Chaos Castle 4 68 Crystal Morning StarBluewing CrossbowStaff of ResurrectionElemental ShieldCross ShieldAdamantine MaskAshcrow HelmEclipse HelmIris HelmAncient HelmStorm Jahad HelmSacred Fire ArmorAdamantine PantsAshcrow PantsEclipse PantsIris PantsStorm Crow GlovesGrand Soul GlovesBlack Rose GlovesAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsChain Drive ParchmentDragon Roar Parchment
170 Chaos Castle 5 70 Crystal SwordMaster ScepterBluewing CrossbowAquagold CrossbowStaff of ResurrectionCross ShieldAncient HelmStorm Jahad HelmAdamantine PantsAshcrow PantsEclipse PantsIris PantsAncient PantsStorm Crow GlovesGrand Soul GlovesDivine GlovesBlack Rose GlovesStorm Crow BootsAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsOrb of Death StabChain Drive ParchmentDragon Roar Parchment
171 Chaos Castle 5 75 Grand Soul ShieldAshcrow ArmorEclipse ArmorIris ArmorAncient ArmorStorm Crow PantsBlack Dragon GlovesDark Steel GlovesGrand Soul BootsBlack Rose BootsScroll of Fire BurstScroll of Aqua BeamScroll of Soul BarrierChain Lightning Parchment
172 Chaos Castle 6 76 Ancient StickGrand Soul ShieldAdamantine ArmorAshcrow ArmorEclipse ArmorIris ArmorAncient ArmorStorm Crow PantsStorm Jahad PantsBlack Dragon GlovesDark Steel GlovesBlack Dragon BootsGrand Soul BootsBlack Rose BootsOrb of Rageful BlowScroll of Fire BurstScroll of Aqua BeamScroll of Soul BarrierChain Lightning Parchment
173 Chaos Castle 6 80 Sword of DestructionHoly Storm ClawGreat ScepterAncient StickBlack Dragon HelmGrand Soul HelmBlack Rose HelmStorm Crow ArmorAdamantine ArmorStorm Jahad ArmorStorm Jahad PantsBlack Dragon BootsDivine BootsPiercing Groove BootsOrb of Rageful BlowOrb of Ice ArrowScroll of Critical DamageScroll of CometfallDamage Reflection ParchmentDark Side ParchmentIgnore Defense Parchment
174 Death Angel 40 Light SaberGreat HammerLight SpearTiger BowThunder StaffViolent StickTower ShieldSpirit HelmSphinx ArmorBrass ArmorSpirit PantsPlate GlovesSpirit GlovesLight Plate GlovesPlate BootsSpirit BootsRing of EarthPendant of WindScroll of TwisterSleep ParchmentIncrease Block Parchment
175 Death Centurion 48 Double BladeLarkan AxeSerpent SpearSerpent CrossbowLegendary ShieldLegendary HelmPlate HelmLight Plate MaskRed Wind HelmPlate ArmorLight Plate PantsGuardian GlovesLegendary BootsRed Wind BootsSacred Fire BootsOrb of Twisting SlashRing of MagicPendant of WaterPendant of AbilityScroll of Evil SpiritIncrease Health Parchment
176 Blood Soldier 37 BladeGreat HammerBerdyshDragon Slayer ShieldBrass HelmSphinx ArmorBrass ArmorBrass PantsSpirit GlovesRing of EarthScroll of FlameDrain Life Parchment