
ID Name Lvl Drop
146 Blood Soldier 21 GladiusFlailSpearHalberdArquebusElven ShieldBone ArmorSilk ArmorBone PantsScale GlovesScale BootsOrb of ImpaleGuardian AngelRing of IcePendant of LightingMoonstone RingScroll of Meteorite
147 Aegis 17 KatanaTomahawkDragon LanceHalberdElven BowAngelic StaffSkull ShieldLarge Round ShieldBronze HelmBone HelmSilk HelmBronze ArmorBronze PantsSilk PantsBone BootsSilk BootsOrb of Greater DamageRing of PoisonScroll of Teleport
148 Lord Centurion 19 GladiusTomahawkHalberdArquebusAngelic StaffElven ShieldLarge Round ShieldBone HelmBronze ArmorSilk ArmorBone PantsSilk PantsOrb of Greater DamageOrb of ImpaleRing of IceRing of PoisonPendant of LightingMoonstone RingScroll of MeteoriteScroll of Teleport
149 Necron 28 Serpent SwordElven AxeBattle AxeGiant TridentBattle BowSerpent StaffMystery StickSpiked ShieldScale HelmWind HelmMistery HelmScale ArmorWind PantsMistery PantsSphinx GlovesWind GlovesSphinx BootsWind BootsMistery BootsImpRing of FireScroll of Poison
150 Bali 52 Giant SwordSacred GloveCrescent AxeBattle ScepterGreat ScytheGorgon StaffBook of SamutBronze ShieldLegendary HelmGuardian HelmRed Wind HelmSacred Fire HelmLegendary PantsGuardian PantsLight Plate PantsRed Wind PantsDragon GlovesGuardian GlovesDragon BootsGuardian BootsSacred Fire BootsPendant of AbilityScroll of Evil SpiritIncrease Health Parchment
151 Soldier 58 Heliacal SwordLighting SwordSilver BowLegendary StaffRed Wind StickBook of NeilDragon ShieldDragon HelmDragon ArmorLegendary ArmorGuardian ArmorRed Wind ArmorAdamantine GlovesAdamantine BootsOrb of Greater FortitudeOrb of Fire SlashScroll of Hellfire
152 Magic stone of %s 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
153 Magic stone of %s 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
154 Magic stone of %s 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
155 Magic stone of %s 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave