
ID Name Lvl Drop
439 Dreadfear 123 Frost MaceDark Devil ShieldLight Lord ShieldDark Soul ArmorAura ArmorDestroy ArmorFaith ArmorHurricane PantsLilium PantsSunlight Boots
440 Dark Elf 135 FlamebergeSword BreakerAbsolute ScepterArrow Viper BowDark StingerInberial StaffDragon Knight PantsVenom Mist PantsSylphid Ray PantsVolcano PantsPhoenix Soul Pants
441 Sapi-Unus 95 Red Spirit HelmGlorious MaskDark Steel ArmorDark Phoenix PantsPiercing Groove PantsGreat Dragon GlovesBrave GlovesFaith GlovesDark Phoenix BootsDark Soul BootsDark Master BootsAura BootsScroll of DecayScroll of Ice StormLightning Shock ParchmentWeakness Parchment
442 Sapi-Duo 96 Lord ScepterGlorious MaskDark Steel ArmorDark Phoenix PantsPiercing Groove PantsGreat Dragon GlovesBrave GlovesFaith GlovesGreat Dragon BootsDark Soul BootsDark Master BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsAura BootsScroll of SummonScroll of Decay
443 Shadow Look 102 Dark BreakerRune BladeDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffDivine Staff of ArchangelBlack Rose StickDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGreat Dragon HelmFaith HelmDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesTitan GlovesPhantom GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of Fire ScreamCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
444 Shadow Pawn 98 Rune BladeLord ScepterDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffBlack Rose StickFrost BarrierGlorious MaskDark Phoenix ArmorDark Steel ArmorDark Phoenix PantsThunder Hawk PantsRed Spirit PantsTitan GlovesBrave GlovesDestroy GlovesSeraphim GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesGreat Dragon BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsLilium BootsTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of SummonCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of DecayScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
445 Shadow Knight 100 Rune BladeLord ScepterDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffBlack Rose StickSalamander ShieldFrost BarrierDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorThunder Hawk PantsRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesTitan GlovesPhantom GlovesDestroy GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesGreat Dragon BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsLilium BootsTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of SummonScroll of Fire ScreamCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
446 Thunder Napin 104 Dark BreakerThunder BladePiercing Blade GloveDivine Staff of ArchangelDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGuardian ShieldGreat Dragon HelmDark Master MaskFaith HelmValiant ArmorGlorious ArmorHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesScroll of Fire Scream
447 Sapi-Tres 97 Lord ScepterFrost BarrierGlorious MaskDark Steel ArmorDark Phoenix PantsThunder Hawk PantsPiercing Groove PantsBrave GlovesDestroy GlovesFaith GlovesGreat Dragon BootsDark Soul BootsDark Master BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsAura BootsLilium BootsScroll of SummonScroll of Decay
448 Ghost Napin 106 Dark BreakerThunder BladePiercing Blade GloveDivine Staff of ArchangelDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GloryGuardian ShieldGreat Dragon HelmDark Master MaskBrave HelmFaith HelmThunder Hawk ArmorValiant ArmorGlorious Armor