
ID Name Lvl Drop
459 Selupan 145 Striker ScepterAileen BowLilium StickChromatic StaffRaven StickLazy Wind HelmStorm Wing HelmDark Devil HelmSticky HelmLight Lord HelmAmbition HelmCircubus HelmVenom Mist ArmorSylphid Ray ArmorVolcano ArmorSunlight ArmorPhoenix Soul ArmorLazy Wind PantsStorm Wing PantsDark Devil PantsSticky PantsLight Lord PantsHell Knight PantsMagic Knight PantsAmbition PantsCircubus Pants
460 Spider Eggs1 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
461 Spider Eggs2 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
462 Spider Eggs3 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
464 初行者导师 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
465 Santa Claus 149 Sonic BladeAsuraCyclone SwordBlast BreakerDivine Scepter of ArchangelStriker ScepterThunder BoltHorn Of SteelMagma SpearAileen BowAngelic BowLilium StickChromatic StaffRaven StickSummon Spirit StickMirace StaffSpite StaffVolcano ArmorSunlight ArmorLazy Wind ArmorStorm Wing ArmorDark Devil ArmorSticky ArmorLight Lord ArmorHell Knight ArmorMagic Knight ArmorAmbition ArmorCircubus ArmorWings of SpiritsWings of SoulWings of DragonWings of Darkness
466 Cursed Goblin 70 Crystal SwordMaster ScepterBluewing CrossbowAquagold CrossbowStaff of ResurrectionCross ShieldAncient HelmStorm Jahad HelmAdamantine PantsAshcrow PantsEclipse PantsIris PantsAncient PantsStorm Crow GlovesGrand Soul GlovesDivine GlovesBlack Rose GlovesStorm Crow BootsAshcrow BootsEclipse BootsIris BootsOrb of Death StabChain Drive ParchmentDragon Roar Parchment
467 Snowman 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
468 Little Santa1 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave
469 Little Santa2 10 RapierSword of AssassinBowGolden CrossbowHorn ShieldKite ShieldPad ArmorLeather ArmorVine ArmorPad PantsLeather PantsVine PantsBronze BootsOrb of HealingScroll of Power Wave