
ID Name Lvl Drop
449 Blaze Napin 107 Thunder BladePiercing Blade GloveGuardian ShieldDark Master MaskBrave HelmHades HelmThunder Hawk ArmorRed Sprit ArmorValiant ArmorGlorious Armor
450 Cherry Blossom Spirit 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
451 Cherry Blossom Tree 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
452 Seed Master 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
453 Seed Researcher 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
454 Ice Walker 102 Dark BreakerRune BladeDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffDivine Staff of ArchangelBlack Rose StickDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGreat Dragon HelmFaith HelmDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesTitan GlovesPhantom GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of Fire ScreamCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
455 Giant Mammoth 112 Shining ScepterAlbatross BowPlatina StaffDark Soul HelmAura HelmTitan HelmSeraphim HelmRoyal MaskQueen HelmGreat Dragon PantsDark Master PantsDragon Knight GlovesVenom Mist GlovesSylphid Ray GlovesSunlight GlovesHurricane BootsInnovation Parchment
456 Ice Giant 122 Frost MaceDark Devil ShieldLight Lord ShieldDark Soul ArmorAura ArmorFaith ArmorHurricane PantsLilium PantsSunlight Boots
457 Coolutin 132 Sword BreakerDark StingerDemonic StaffAmbition ShieldDragon Knight HelmSunlight MaskLilium ArmorTitan ArmorPhantom ArmorRoyal ArmorQueen ArmorDragon Knight PantsPhoenix Soul PantsVolcano Boots
458 Iron Knight 142 Knight BladeDark Reign BladeGreat Lord ScepterStaff of KundunLazy Wind HelmStorm Wing HelmDark Devil HelmSticky HelmLight Lord HelmAmbition HelmCircubus HelmDragon Knight ArmorPhoenix Soul ArmorSunlight PantsLazy Wind GlovesStorm Wing GlovesDark Devil GlovesSticky GlovesLight Lord GlovesHell Knight GlovesMagic Knight GlovesAmbition GlovesCircubus GlovesLazy Wind BootsStorm Wing BootsDark Devil BootsSticky BootsLight Lord BootsHell Knight BootsMagic Knight BootsAmbition BootsCircubus Boots