
ID Name Lvl Drop
570 Bone Scorpion 103 Dark BreakerThunder BladePiercing Blade GloveDivine Staff of ArchangelDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGreat Dragon HelmFaith HelmValiant ArmorGlorious ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesPhantom GlovesRoyal GlovesScroll of Fire Scream
571 Orcus 105 Dark BreakerThunder BladePiercing Blade GloveDivine Staff of ArchangelDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GloryGuardian ShieldGreat Dragon HelmDark Master MaskBrave HelmFaith HelmThunder Hawk ArmorValiant ArmorGlorious Armor
572 Gollock 108 Shining ScepterAlbatross BowPlatina StaffGuardian ShieldDark Soul HelmDark Master MaskAura HelmBrave HelmHades HelmThunder Hawk ArmorRed Sprit ArmorDark Master PantsSunlight GlovesHurricane Boots
573 Crypta 111 Shining ScepterAlbatross BowPlatina StaffDark Soul HelmAura HelmTitan HelmSeraphim HelmRoyal MaskHades HelmQueen HelmRed Sprit ArmorGreat Dragon PantsDark Master PantsVenom Mist GlovesSylphid Ray GlovesSunlight GlovesHurricane BootsInnovation Parchment
574 Crypos 114 Sword DancerLilium HelmQueen HelmGreat Dragon PantsAura PantsTitan PantsBrave PantsPhantom PantsDestroy PantsSeraphim PantsFaith PantsRoyal PantsHades PantsQueen PantsDragon Knight Gloves
575 Condra 117 Sword DancerLilium HelmDark Master ArmorDark Soul PantsAura PantsTitan PantsBrave PantsPhantom PantsDestroy PantsSeraphim PantsFaith PantsRoyal PantsHades PantsQueen PantsDragon Knight BootsVenom Mist BootsSylphid Ray BootsPhoenix Soul Boots
576 Narcondra 120 Frost MaceDark Devil ShieldDark Soul ArmorAura ArmorFaith ArmorHurricane PantsLilium PantsDragon Knight BootsVenom Mist BootsSylphid Ray BootsSunlight BootsPhoenix Soul Boots
577 Leina the Goods Merchant 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
578 Weapons Merchant Bolo 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion
579 David 2 Short SwordSmall AxeHand AxeShort BowCrossbowSmall ShieldPad GlovesLeather GlovesVine GlovesPad BootsOrb of SummoningScroll of ArchangelBlood BoneSpiritSplinter of ArmorBless of GuardianClaw of BeastFragment of HornDevil EyeDevil KeyRenaSymbol of KundunSmall SD Potion