
ID Name Lvl Drop
600 Paraca 131 Sword BreakerDemonic StaffLazy Wind ShieldAmbition ShieldDragon Knight HelmSunlight MaskLilium ArmorTitan ArmorPhantom ArmorSeraphim ArmorRoyal ArmorHades ArmorQueen ArmorVolcano Boots
601 Vasuki 129 Demonic StaffLazy Wind ShieldMagic Knight ShieldAmbition ShieldDragon Knight HelmSunlight MaskPhoenix Soul HelmHurricane ArmorLilium ArmorBrave ArmorPhantom ArmorSeraphim ArmorHades ArmorQueen ArmorVolcano GlovesVolcano Boots
602 Bass 127 Lazy Wind ShieldMagic Knight ShieldVenom Mist HelmSylphid Ray HelmPhoenix Soul HelmGreat Dragon ArmorHurricane ArmorBrave ArmorDestroy ArmorSeraphim ArmorHades ArmorVolcano Gloves
603 Nix 135 FlamebergeSword BreakerAbsolute ScepterArrow Viper BowDark StingerInberial StaffDragon Knight PantsVenom Mist PantsSylphid Ray PantsVolcano PantsPhoenix Soul Pants
604 Devilfairy 88 Divine Sword of ArchangelElemental MaceDark Steel MaskPiercing Groove HelmBlack Dragon ArmorGrand Soul PantsDivine PantsBlack Rose PantsDark Phoenix GlovesThunder Hawk GlovesDark Soul GlovesDark Master GlovesAura GlovesRed Spirit BootsScroll of InfernoDragon Slasher Parchment
605 Elemental Beast 91 Elemental MaceDragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmRed Spirit HelmPiercing Groove HelmBlack Dragon ArmorGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDark Steel PantsDark Master GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesDark Phoenix BootsThunder Hawk BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of Ice StormLightning Shock ParchmentWeakness ParchmentDragon Slasher Parchment
606 Elemental Knight 93 Dragon SpearCelestial BowDark Phoenix HelmRed Spirit HelmGrand Soul ArmorDivine ArmorBlack Rose ArmorDark Steel PantsPiercing Groove PantsGreat Dragon GlovesValiant GlovesGlorious GlovesFaith GlovesDark Phoenix BootsThunder Hawk BootsDark Soul BootsDark Master BootsAura BootsScroll of Electric SparkScroll of Ice StormLightning Shock ParchmentWeakness Parchment
607 Ubaid Devilfairy 99 Rune BladeLord ScepterDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffBlack Rose StickFrost BarrierGlorious MaskDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorThunder Hawk PantsRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsTitan GlovesBrave GlovesPhantom GlovesDestroy GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesGreat Dragon BootsValiant BootsGlorious BootsLilium BootsTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of SummonCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
608 Ubaid Elemental Beast 101 Rune BladeDivine Crossbow of ArchangelDragon Soul StaffBlack Rose StickSalamander ShieldFrost BarrierDark Phoenix ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorThunder Hawk PantsRed Spirit PantsValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesTitan GlovesPhantom GlovesDestroy GlovesSeraphim GlovesRoyal GlovesHades GlovesQueen GlovesLilium BootsTitan BootsBrave BootsPhantom BootsDestroy BootsSeraphim BootsFaith BootsRoyal BootsHades BootsQueen BootsWings of FairyWings of HeavenWings of SatanScroll of Fire ScreamCrystal of DestructionCrystal of Multi ShotCrystal of RecoveryCrystal of Flame StrikeScroll of Chaotic DiseierScroll of NovaScroll of Wizardry EnhanceScroll of Gigantic Storm
609 Ubaid Elemental Knight 103 Dark BreakerThunder BladePiercing Blade GloveDivine Staff of ArchangelDivine Stick of the ArchangelCrimson GlorySalamander ShieldGreat Dragon HelmFaith HelmValiant ArmorGlorious ArmorPiercing Groove ArmorValiant PantsGlorious PantsHurricane GlovesLilium GlovesPhantom GlovesRoyal GlovesScroll of Fire Scream